CTMS Event

Mennonites Meet Their New Neighbours

Aug 27 7:00PM

For our second webinar on the sesquicentennial of Mennonite settlement in Manitoba, we are joined by historian Shelisa Klassen.

When Mennonites arrived in Manitoba in the 1870s, they entered a province in the midst of transition. They were part of an experiment in settling less hospitable parts of the prairie in ethnic block settlements, and this meant that their interactions with their neighbours were of great interest to the other settlers as well as Indigenous people.

This talk will discuss the good, bad, and sometimes violent interactions Mennonites had with those around them, from the earliest delegation visit in 1873, to formal political visits, to feuds with neighbours over lumber rights.

Presented by CTMS and Mennonite Heritage Village.

Our Next Annual Conference

Subjects, Settlers, Citizens

The 1870s Mennonites in Historical Context

University of Winnipeg and Livestream