
Sponsored Seats for Young Adults on the Russlaender 100 Tour

August 12, 2022

Are you a young adult (ages 18–35) with a connection to the 1920s migration of Mennonites to Canada? Do you want the chance to participate in the upcoming Memories of Migration: Russlaender 100 Tour? Thanks to the generosity of the David and Katherine Friesen family from Winnipeg and the Peter Redekop family from British Columbia, 16 young adults will be sponsored to take part in this historic event. Sponsorship will cover the full fare for a single leg of the tour for each selected young adult.

Beginning in 1923, 21,000 Mennonites from the Soviet Union left a land decimated by violence, famine, and epidemic. They were fortunate to find shelter in far-off Canada, where government, church communities, and private businesses rallied to their cause. These migrants, popularly known as the Russlaender Mennonites, made Canada their home, and for nearly 100 years they have prospered and found avenues for business, professional development, and service.

The Russlaender Centenary Committee, a subcommittee of the Mennonite Historical Society of Canada, is planning a re-enactment of the initial train trip into Canada. In each of the provinces, from Quebec to British Columbia, events have been organized to celebrate the faith of these newcomers, to remember the loss of their former communities, to memorialize the challenges of resettlement, and to acknowledge race and displacement in Canadian history.

The Russlaender Centenary Committee invites applications from young adults for 16 sponsored spots on the Russlaender 100 Tour. Participants will be selected by the RCC executive committee based on their potential to use the historical knowledge gained through the tour to advance the study and understanding of Mennonite history. Selected participants will help with various aspect of tour logistics during the trip.

The deadline for applications (September 10, 2022) has now passed.

Our Next Annual Conference

Global Mennonites and the Justice System Since 1525

Martyrs, Perpetrators, Enforcers, and Advocates
October 3–4, 2025

University of Winnipeg and Livestream